No: Transplantation of Human Organs (THO) Acts & Rules
1 Transplantation of Human Organs and Tissues Rules, 2014
2 THOA amendment 2011
3 Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules,2008
4 THO Rules, 1995 (Original Rules)
5 THOA 1994
6 THOTA 1994 with 2011 amendment and 2014 Rules
7 THOTA 1994 pdf file (uploaded on 12.04.2024)
8 Notification THOA Amendment (uploaded on 28.06.2024)


Form No: Transplantation of Human Organs (THO) Forms
1 For organ or tissue donation from identified living near related donor
2 For organ or tissue donation by living spousal donor
3 For organ or tissue donation by other than near relative living donor
4 For certification of medical fitness of living donor
5 For certification of genetic relationship of living donor with recipient
6 For spousal living donor
7 For organ or tissue pledging
8 For Declaration cum consent
9 For unclaimed body in a hospital or prison
10 For certification of Brain Stem Death
11 Application for approval of transplantation from living donor
12 Application for registration of hospital to carry out organ or tissue transplantation other than cornea
13 Application for registration of hospital to carry out organ/tissue retrieval other than eye/cornea retrieval (NTORC)
14 Application for registration of tissue banks other than eye banks (Tissue Bank)
15 Application for registration of eye bank, corneal transplantation centre, eye retrieval centre under transplantation of human organs act (Eye Bank)
16 Certificate of registration for performing organ/tissue transplantation/retrieval and/or tissue banking
17 Certificate of Renewal of Registration
18 Certificate by the authorisation committee of hospital (If hospital authorisation committee is not available then the Authorisation Committee of the district/state) where the transplantation has to take place (To be issued on the letter head).
19 Certificate by competent authority [as defined at rule 2(c)] For Indian near relative, other than spouse, cases (In case of spousal donor, Form 6 will be applicable)
20 Verification certificate in respect of domicile status of recipient or donor [To be issued by tehsildar or any other authorised officer for the purpose (required only for the donor - other than near relative or recipient if they do not belong to the state where transplant hospital identified for operation is located)]
21 Certificate of relationship between donor and recipient in case of foreigners (To be issued by the Embassy concerned)